This great piece by Helen Collins and Melissa Madjitey highlights the opportunities for-profit housing providers (FPRPs) are exploring.
As the article highlights on stock rationalisation, the appetite is for post-1990s ‘recent’ homes - but what about all those other homes requiring investment?
At this point in the development cycle, when builders appear to be slowing down development, (if not quietly mothballing sites!), is there an opportunity for FPRPs to partner with laid-off sub-contractors and offer a solution? Could it be for Homes England to give permissions for affordable rent conversions and make the yield curve work for their investors? Could FPRPs grasp the opportunity of rent for high-income social tenants?
Of course, this is more of a challenge than purchasing those 1990s homes but FPRPs coming to the table without historic issues is an opportunity to build a legacy.