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Electrical safety

Electrical safety standards are now in place for the private rental sector, including five yearly inspections and reporting and national electrical safety standards to be maintained throughout a tenancy. The Government has now produced guidance on the regulations. The requirements do not cover social housing. Much of this is standard health and safety practice for social landlords in any event. 

Coming at it from an access point of view, there was never really any resistance from the courts granting injunctions for access for electrical safety works, but worth noting that these statutory requirements, albeit not applicable to social housing, may help justify enforcement action where access is not provided by demonstrating that the health and safety practice which is being enforced is entirely appropriate.   

Landlords are already legally required to keep the electrical installations – the wiring, the plug sockets, the consumer units, the light fittings - in their property safe and in proper working order.

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housing, housing litigation, landlords, social housing, tenants, electrical safety